Sell with Giftr

List your gift items and start earning up to RM2,100 per month. This earnings estimate assumes 16 transactions made per month at forecasted of average order value of RM135. The forecasted transactions made are based on average earnings of listings by our existing sellers in past month. How much you actually make may vary with your pricing, product type, delivery coverage of your listing(s), season, demand, and other factors.

About Giftr

What is Giftr?

Giftr is an online marketplace for gifts, connecting people around the world to sell and buy gift items. We aim to improve relationships via seamless gifting experience and delivering happiness through gift-giving. Join us as a gift seller to be part of the collective vision to become the go-to destination for gift seekers to fulfill their gifting needs.

Why Giftr?

ZERO product listing fee to setup your online store with full control access

AUTOMATE order placements with customization features via our gifting-first experience platform

REACH more buyers who are mainly gift seekers on Malaysia’s Leading Online Gift Shop

CENTRALISED order and fulfilment dashboard for easy coordination

SEAMLESS payment made convenient with online banking, credit card & e-wallet options.

LOW transaction fee based on shared success.

How do I join?

Step 1:

Submit The Form - Get your business profile and product vetted & approved in 48 working hours.

Step 2:

List Your Products - Create your online store & upload your listings at zero charges

Step 3:

Launch & Earn - Schedule a grand launch, start to sell & earn.

Giftr is an alternative platform to gain more sales with less hassle in dealing with customer. It is also another channel to bring our brand name reach different levels or types of customers. "

- Cordelia, owner of Nieldelia Florist & Gifts since 2017

Ready to deliver happiness?