Romances Premium Roses Bouquet (Muar & Batu Pahat Delivery)
Victoria.Floral Design Ask Vendor a Question

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Secured Payments
Best Curated Gifts
- Availability: In stock
- Type: Flower Bouquet
- The Simple Things I Love About You.
- 6 stalk Import Roses
Delivery Area
- Zone A: Muar Area / Bukit Bakri
- Zone B: Parit Jawa / Bukit Pasir / Sungai Mati / Serom
- Zone C: Pagoh / Bukit Gambir / Tangkak / Merlimau / Gerisek
- Zone D: Batu Pahat
- Self Pickup at Muar Johor, full address will be given upon placing order
Delivery Fine Print
- Min. 3 days booking in advance
- Delivery within 10am-5pm (No specific timeframe delivery).