Fresh Carnation Roses Bouquet (Kota Kinabalu Delivery Only)
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- Availability: In stock
- Type: Flower Bouquet
- Large size of fresh carnations mix with roses and fillers bouquet in measured of 60cm tall x 40cm width.
- Mixtured of fresh Carnations and Roses and fillers, foliages.
- Pearl stripes as decoration accessory.
- Item subject to availability. The vendor will replace with other similar products/brands of goods/ type of goods/ ribbon/goods with same pricing/ other similar content (either by type or by colour) while maintaining the overall look of the product. Rest assured that the value of the item will remain the same / higher.
Delivery Area
Kindly use the postcode checker to see if your postcode is within the delivery area.
- Zone A - Selected Area of Kota Kinabalu, and Beverly.
- Zone A - Selected Penampang, Lintas and Beverly area.
- Zone B - Selected Kota Kinabalu City, Tanjong Aru, and Penampang area.
- Zone C - Selected Dongongan and Likas to One Borneo area
- Zone D - Selected Jalan KKIP Timur and Putatan area.
Delivery Fine Print
- Same day delivery available (Must place the order before 12pm).
- The delivery time frame is between 12 pm- 5pm (No specific timing allowed).